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Linmi TAO

Oct 30, 2020 12:00

Education background

Bachelor of Biological Science, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 1986;

Master of Cognitive Science, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 1991;

Ph.D. in Computer Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2001.

Social service

ACM SIGCHI China: Chair (2007-);

VINCI 2010: Program committee Co-Chair (2010).

Areas of Research Interests/ Research Projects

Computer Vision, Digital Image/Video Processing

Human-Computer Interaction

EU Large-Scale Integration Project for the 7th Framework Program: BRAVEHEALTH (2010-2014);

National Natural Science Foundation of China: Dynamic Context Awareness and Modeling for Implicit Human-Computer interaction (2009-2011);

National Natural Science Foundation of China: Theory and Methodology of Affective Computing (2006-2009);

National 863 High-Tech Program: Vision-Assisted Brain-Computer Interaction (2008-2009).

Research Status

My research interests are mainly in computer vision and human-computer interaction. We are working on the theories and systems of distributed computer vision for assisted living. Currently, we have put our efforts on the researches of 2D/3D non-rigid motion estimation, affective computing, and brain-computer interaction. Our papers have been published on ICVS, ECCV, IEEE Trans. of PAMI, IEEE Trans. of SMC, etc.

Academic Achievement

[1] Q. Wang, Linmi Tao, H. Di, A Globally Optimal Approach for 3D Elastic Motion Estimation from Stereo Sequences, ECCV 2010, Greece, Sept 2010.

[2] H. Di, Linmi Tao, G. Xu, A mixture of transformed hidden Markov models for elastic motion estimation, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2009, 31(10): 1817-1830.

[3] P Dai, Linmi Tao, G. Xu, Audio-visual fused online context analysis toward smart meeting room, - 4th International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, 2007, LNCS Vol. 4611, pp. 868 - 877

[4] G. Xu, Linmi Tao, Y. Shi, Dual relations in physical and cyber space, CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN, 2006, Vol. 51(1): 121 - 128

[5] S. R. Jeffery, G. Alonso, M. Franklin, W. Hong, and J. Widom. Declarative support for sensor data cleaning. Proc. 4th Intl. Conf. on Pervasive Computing (PERVASIVE 2006), Antwerp, France, 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3968, pp. 83-100.

[6] U. Castellani, V. Murino, Linmi Tao, Efficient scene modeling for underwater ROV driving, Sea Technology, 2004, Vol. 45(12): 47 - 52.

[7] Linmi Tao, U. Castellani, V. Murino, Robust 3D segmentation for underwater acoustic images, 2nd International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission, 2004, 813 - 819.